Soon the spring will come and this spring-summer 2015 is a real triumph of colors !!! Here are 10 beautiful nuanche proposed by the famous American company Pantone
Acquamarine: una delicata sfumatura dell’azzurro, elegante e fresca. La si può chiamare anche “carta da zucchero” termine ancora di uso comune, per richiamare una particolare tonalità di celeste, appunto delle carte che nel 1600 servivano per confezionare lo zucchero.
Aquamarines: a soft shade of blue, elegant and fresh. This can also be called "sugar paper" term still in common use, to call a particular shade of light blue, just the cards that were used in 1600 to manufacture sugar.
Aquamarines: a soft shade of blue, elegant and fresh. This can also be called "sugar paper" term still in common use, to call a particular shade of light blue, just the cards that were used in 1600 to manufacture sugar.
Scuba Blue: un turchese intenso che richiama le acque tropicali.
Scuba Blue: an intense turquoise reminiscent of the tropical waters.
Scuba Blue: an intense turquoise reminiscent of the tropical waters.
Lucite Green: un delicato verde pastello, romantico e sbarazzino perfetto per la primavera estate.
Lucite Green: a delicate pastel green, romantic and carefree perfect for spring summer.
Classic Blue: il classico e sempre elegante blu cobalto adatto ad ogni ora del giorno.
Classic Blue: the classic and always elegant cobalt blue suitable for any time of day.
Toasted Almond: un rosato color mandorla, versatile e romantico.
Toasted Almond: a pinkish color almond, versatile and romantic.
Strawberry Ice: un delicato rosa corallo molto in voga anche l’estate scorsa.
Strawberry Ice: a delicate coral pink in vogue even last summer.
Tangerine: a warm orange pastel very energizing.
Custard: un giallo limone pastello.
Custard: a lemon yellow pastel.
Custard: a lemon yellow pastel.
Marsala: è il Color of the year 2015. Un mix tra marrone e rosso scuro, proprio come il vino liquoroso Marsala da cui deriva il nome.
Marsala: is the Color of the Year 2015. A mix of brown and dark red, just like the dessert wine Marsala hence the name.
Glacier Gray: il grigio ghiaccio, un colore neutro e molto versatile.
Glacier Gray: gray ice, a neutral and very versatile color.
Per quanto riguarda la moda maschile la palette cromatica vede quattro tonalità in comune con la moda femminile e cioè: Classic Blue, Marsala, Glacier Gray e Toasted Almond.
A questi 4 colori si aggiungono: Dusk Blue, Treetop, Woodbine, Sandstone, Titanium e Lavender Herb.
For men's fashion, color palette sees four shades in common with women's fashion, namely: Classic Blue, Marsala, Glacier Gray and Toasted Almond.
These four colors are added: Dusk Blue, Treetop, Woodbine, Sandstone, Titanium and Lavender Herb.

Dusk Blue: una sfumatura dell’azzurro più scura rispetto il celeste carta di zucchero.
Dusk Blue: a shade of blue darker than the light blue paper sugar.
Dusk Blue: a shade of blue darker than the light blue paper sugar.
Glacier Gray: il grigio ghiaccio, un colore neutro e molto versatile.
Glacier Gray: gray ice, a neutral and very versatile color
Glacier Gray: gray ice, a neutral and very versatile color
Treetop: un verde deciso e brillante.
Treetop: a strong and bright green.
Treetop: a strong and bright green.
Classic Blue: il classico e sempre elegante blu cobalto adatto ad ogni ora del giorno.
Classic Blue: the classic and always elegant cobalt blue suitable for any time of day.
Classic Blue: the classic and always elegant cobalt blue suitable for any time of day.
Toasted Almond: un rosato color mandorla.
Toasted Almond: a pinkish color almond.
Toasted Almond: a pinkish color almond.
Woodbine: una sfumatura del verde muschio, molto stile military.
Woodbine: a shade of moss green, very military style.
Woodbine: a shade of moss green, very military style.
Sandstone: una sabbia tendente al rosso.
Sandstone: a reddish sand.
Sandstone: a reddish sand.
Titanium: un grigio scuro metallico.
Titanium: a dark gray metallic.
Titanium: a dark gray metallic.
Marsala: è il Color of the year 2015. Un mix tra marrone e rosso scuro, proprio come il vino liquoroso Marsala da cui deriva il nome.
Marsala: is the Color of the Year 2015. A mix of brown and dark red, just like the dessert wine Marsala hence the name.
Marsala: is the Color of the Year 2015. A mix of brown and dark red, just like the dessert wine Marsala hence the name.
Lavender Herb: un viola lilla più che viola lavanda
Lavender Herb: a purple lilac rather than purple lavender