I murales sono un magnifico connubio tra valore estetico e valore sociale; infatti nascono da movimenti di protesta come libera espressione creativa della popolazione contro il potere. Ritengo molto avvincente utilizzare questa cornice per esaltare la bellezza della moda.
I think that all forms of art are a real feast for the eyes and for the soul. The murals are a magnificent combination between aesthetic and social value; in fact they arise from the protest movements as free creative expression of people against power. I think that it is very exciting to use this framework to enhance the beauty of fashion.
Nella mia città, il quartiere ostiense è diventato una straordinaria tela a cielo aperto ed è estremamente affascinate passeggiare tra queste meraviglie mostrandovi gli outfit indossati.
Inizio questo percorso mostrandovi l'opera realizzata da Blu nel Fronte del Porto, ex caserma dell’aeronautica.
In my city, Ostiense district became an extraordinary open air painting and it is extremely fascinating to walk among these wonders showing the outfits worn.I start this process showing the work done by Blu entitled Fronte del Porto, using an old air force barracks.
Passeggio circondata da strani personaggi extraterrestri con tanti occhi quante sono le finestre che mi guardano minacciosi ad ogni passo che faccio. Percorro la strada come fossi inghiottita da questo strano gigantesco fumetto.
I walk surrounded by strange alien characters with so many eyes as there are windows looking at me menacingly at every step I take. I walk the street like I was engulfed by this strange giant cartoon.
I was wearing:
DRESS: Save the Queen
BRACELET: Slake Deluxe Black by Swarovski
EARRINGS: Stroili Oro
I continue along Via del Commercio where there is a striped mural of Momo, an artist from San Francisco. The work was carried out for the outdoor festival in 2012.
I was wearing:
DRESS: Pinko
BAG: Guess
SHOES: Pollini
Ed eccomi a via delle Conce mentre la guardia del corpo mi protegge dalle strane scarne figure in bianco e nero, raffigurate dall'artista brasiliano Herbert Baglione, a cui vado a presentarmi.
Now I am in Via delle Conce while the bodyguard protect me from strange gaunt figures in black and white, represented by the Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione, which I'm going to introduce myself
Now I am in Via delle Conce while the bodyguard protect me from strange gaunt figures in black and white, represented by the Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione, which I'm going to introduce myself
Prima di ritornare a casa, percorro la Walk of Fame di Job Rock e Black and White Power, opera di Lex e Sten che rappresenta "la potenza intesa come forza creativa e il controllo della mente esercitato su di essa".
Before returning home, I walk the Walk of Fame of Job Rock and Black and White Power, work done by Lex and Sten that represents "the power seen as creative force and mind control exercised over it"
Before returning home, I walk the Walk of Fame of Job Rock and Black and White Power, work done by Lex and Sten that represents "the power seen as creative force and mind control exercised over it"
I was wearing:
DRESS: René Derhy
BAG: Guess
SHOES: Roberta Farc
HAT: Koan
SLEVES: Max Fashion
I often wish I could travel to exotic places like egypt and jamaica.
I visited Antigua and Egypt but not also Jamaica ;-(